domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Black and white

There's no more dignity.

martes, 12 de enero de 2010

I love him I love him I love him

All the day thinkin , he is soo perfect
I really love him , he is so lovely...<3
Every thing it's like OMG!
L.O.V.E M.O.D.E!

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Be who ever you have to be

Everything in my mind is fashion, designs, models and him,for my fashion is a form of release, the pictures I get depends on my mood.
But back to fashion, with thirteen years that I have; I always try to get home inspired by nature and then begin to create.
I have always tried to be myself but every time I tried people laughed, laughed and laughed,until a couple of months ago I said Eira if you do not respect and feel comfortable others will not respect you and laugh, so dress yourself as you want, make the photos you want, and be whoever you want Girl!
And so I get up every day and dress how I feel comfortable.